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IoT — Building an automated greenhouse Pt. III



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This AI-generated image depicts a vast, futuristic greenhouse with multiple rows of plants. The facility is equipped with advanced monitoring systems, large digital displays, and automated equipment for optimizing plant growth.

This is the last session and finishes the greenhouse project. The most parts are already done, but one important part is still missing. The application should send a message whenever the plants run dry. To do so you can use the google cloud functions integrated in firebase.

The finished code can be cloned from this git repository: greenhouse

Serverless Code

To add cloud functions to your project you can init a project in the functions directory with the command firebase init. This project has a main index.js file and every exported function (exports.functionName) is deployed as a firebase function.

The firebase-functions package provides many helper functions for example to subscribe to changes in the firestore database. With this you can trigger a cloud function call whenever a new sensor value is created in the database:

1const functions = require("firebase-functions");
3exports.checkIfPlantsAreDryOnSensorChange = functions.firestore
4 .document("/soilMoistureData/{eventId}")
5 .onCreate(async (snap) => {
6 const sensorValue = snap.data().value;
8 const reference = await getDryReferenceValue();
10 updateIsDry(sensorValue, reference);
11 });

To learn more take a look in the functions/index.js file from the greenhouse repository

Emails are send with the package nodemailer, it provides a simple API to use your gmail account as a sender.

Device Code

The code running on the Raspberry Pi got some changes since the last session, the default interval to read the sensor values got increased from 5 minutes to 30 minutes to reduce some noise in the diagrams. And to reduce the wear on the soil sensors the current is only set on them during the measure time. When those sensors are embedded in soil and under constant voltage the corrosion is very strong. So also the wiring changed a bit:

The image shows a breadboard circuit connected to a Raspberry Pi. Components include an MCP3008 ADC, a soil moisture sensor, a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, and an LED. Various colored jumper wires connect the components to the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins.

The program is located in the device/index.js file. It can be started with 2 arguments, the interval in milliseconds (-interval 60000 or --verbose 60000) in which the sensors should trigger and a verbose (-v or --verbose) flag for more logging. The default interval is 1800000 which is equivalent to 30 minutes.

1node index.js -v -i 5000

Hint: it is useful to configure the node.js program as a system service so it starts automatically on startup. You can follow this nodesource tutorial

UI Code

The UI code was not changed till the last session, it is the main project in the greenhouse repository, react based and enables the user to see the current sensor states and control the reference value for dry soil.

Open ToDos to get started with your own application

  • clone the repository
    • git clone git@github.com:kaoDev/greenhouse.git
  • install firebase-tools:
    • npm install -g firebase-tools
  • login with the firebase tools
    • firebase login
  • connect to an existing firebase project
    • firebase use --add
  • change firebase API keys and URLs to use your own project

This application uses an gmail account to send emails to listed users in the users collection when the soil gets dry. So you need to use an existing account or create a new one. To enable the cloud functions to send emails you must set 2 environment variables for firebase:

1firebase functions:config:set gmail.email=aGmailAccount@gmail.com
2firebase functions:config:set gmail.password=thePasswordForThisAccount

To deploy the application start with building the UI app, then run the firebase deploy command:

1npm run build
2firebase deploy


  • configure the greenhouse application and connect it with your greenhouse
  • plant some seeds
  • take care of the young sprouts
This AI-generated image shows a high-tech greenhouse filled with rows of plants. The space is equipped with advanced sensors, digital displays, and automated systems for monitoring plant growth, powered by Raspberry Pi.

IoT — Building an automated greenhouse Pt. II

Continue building an automated greenhouse by adding an interface to configure soil moisture reference values and implement authentication with Firebase. This guide explains protecting database access, setting up user authentication, and updating sensor data references in Firestore.

This AI-generated image depicts a futuristic, tech-enhanced greenhouse with plants organized on shelves. The space features digital displays and sensors monitoring growth, all powered by Raspberry Pi technology.

IoT — Building an automated greenhouse Pt. I

Start building an automated greenhouse using a Raspberry Pi, sensors, and an analog-digital converter. This guide covers setting up the hardware, enabling SPI, connecting a soil moisture sensor, and writing a Node.js program to read and send sensor data to the cloud.

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IoT — Data visualization

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IoT — going serverless

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IoT — Internet of things and the cloud

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IoT — Communication protocols

Explore the various communication protocols used in IoT, focusing on MQTT for efficient machine-to-machine communication. This guide explains MQTT's lightweight binary protocol, its publish/subscribe model, and how to implement it using a message broker and Node.js.

 This AI-generated image depicts a Raspberry Pi project setup with sensors, LEDs, and wires connected to a breadboard. A laptop displays code, and holographic icons represent various sensor readings like temperature and humidity.

IoT — Reading and sending sensor data

Learn how to read and send sensor data using a Raspberry Pi and a DHT11 sensor. This guide covers setting up the sensor, installing necessary libraries, and creating a Node.js application to collect and transmit temperature and humidity data to a server.

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IoT — Setup and first steps with the Raspberry Pi Zero

Set up and start using the Raspberry Pi Zero, including preparing the operating system, enabling WiFi and SSH, and finding the device on your network. Learn to install Node.js and create a simple project to make an LED blink using JavaScript.

This AI-generated image illustrates a futuristic smart home interior, heavily integrated with Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The living space is modern and sleek, with large windows offering a stunning view of a city skyline at sunset. The room is filled with holographic interfaces and icons floating around, indicating various smart home functions such as "Wearables," "Smart Home," and "IoT."  In the foreground, a cozy living area features a sofa, a coffee table with a teapot and cups, and a futuristic-looking vacuum robot on the floor, which is embedded with circuit-like patterns. The kitchen area to the left is equipped with smart appliances, all controlled via holographic displays on the walls. A person is interacting with a touch screen on a smart refrigerator, while another person is seated at a desk, working on a computer that also displays multiple holographic interfaces.  The entire scene is bathed in a warm, ambient light that enhances the high-tech, yet comfortable atmosphere of the smart home. The integration of technology into everyday living is depicted seamlessly, showcasing a vision of the future where advanced technology is effortlessly woven into the fabric of daily life.

IoT — What is the Internet of Things?

Explore the Internet of Things (IoT), a vast network connecting edge devices, servers, and platforms for data collection and analysis. This post covers the basics, from embedded programs on hardware like Raspberry Pi to cloud-based machine learning, making IoT accessible for beginners and professionals alike.

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